Yet another sexual misconduct charge from WaPo
There are several topics WaPo absolutely loves:
1) Accusing white police officers of misconduct against blacks.
Are a disproportionate number of number of the killings of white police officers due to black murderers?
WaPo could not care less.
Such would not further their agenda of demonizing whites for racism.
2) Coming up with charges of "sexual misconduct" that can be tied to conservatives, especially conservative Christians.
The latest WaPo story
certainly fits that bill to a tee.
Just look at the URL:
Talk about group guilt, and guilt-by-association.
(Here is a version of the Post's story which is not behind a paywall: )
Did one person who worked for People of Praise do something wrong?
If so, don't blame the individual, blame the group.
And if Justice Barrett was once part of that group, somehow link her to the alleged misconduct.
For comparison, we know there are plenty of black people who have committed real, provable (i.e., not he-said-she-said situations), violent, injury-causing crimes.
In some cases, the black criminals were followers of certain black leaders.
Is it generally reported that the person committing such a crime is black?
Hell no. To report such a fact accurately and honestly would be "racism", or "promoting stereotypes".
And tying the offense to a specific leader or a specific statement, well, how can you prove that?
That WaPo is out to demonize white conservative heterosexual Christians should be beyond dispute.
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